Zur Info:
International Symposium on Insects as Feed, Food and Non-Food
on Monday September 12, 2016 in Magdeburg, Germany.
After the huge success of the first INSECTA® in 2015 we are pleased to announce 15 lectures by international speakers and the key note speakers Prof. Arnold van Huis and Prof. Andreas Vilcinskas. Presenter from 18 countries will contribute to the INSECTA® 2016. It is aimed to create an efficient platform for an exchange of stakeholders from science, economy and politics in the field of insects as feed, food and non-food.
The latest research results and new developments in technology and legal issues will give new impulses and animate to discussions with specialists.
The main topics are:
- Insects production systems
- Application of insects as feed
- Utilization of insects as food
- Evaluation of the use of insects
- Non-food applications of insects
To register, please use the registration form on our website: www.insecta-conference.de.
There you will also find the full program brochure, the poster list and all additional information.
We are looking forward to welcome you at the INSECTA® 2016 in Magdeburg.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.
With best regards
Thomas Piofczyk
Organizing committee
Pilot Pflanzenöltechnologie Magdeburg e. V. (PPM)
Berliner Chaussee 66;
39114 Magdeburg;
Tel.: +49 (0)391 8189-131
Fax: +49 (0)391 8189-180
Internet: www.ppm-magdeburg.de and www.insecta-conference.com